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Practical social media tips for eCommerce stores

social media ecommerceIn the past few years, the social media has changed the way people communicate at the global scale.  This has also changed the way people do business as it helps in marketing the products to the consumers. One can gain the sales directly via social media with the social media sites like Facebook or Pinterest.

However, to seal a deal in marketing today, one has to nurture their social followers and thus connect them over a number of channels throughout its business sales funnel. Effective marketers today are seen working with their sales and communication teams in order to integrate social being the entire part of their online marketing strategies. Well, let’s check how you can integrate the social media with your online shop as under:


Host a Lead Generating Promotion for Online Store

Use Facebook and other social media sites to promote your online site. Start sharing the deals, offers and other details about the products your online store sell out. Try engaging them by sharing free e-books, send them coupons of your online store, try organizing contest and declare winners to get amazing deals, try engaging them by asking their comments, views and feedback about their products and so on. In this way, the social media can help in engaging the market space along with generating hosts of leads with a number of free gated tools.


Promote Your Landing Page via Social Media Cross-Promotion

Make use of your most engaged social platforms for posting about your promotion, and allow get good traffic to your lead generating page. For this, make sure you do a couple of things on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram, make updates that are visually appealing, show them the benefits of linking to your online store, pose questions, ask people to share with their friends. Similarly on LinkedIn, share the updates with your connections or simply post promotion in a group, which you think you want to engage with. You can even send out emails to your customized database as well in order to mobilize more traffic for the promotions on you online store.


Integrate Social Where It Makes Sense

If you are using social media in order to keep your customers apprised of your recent events/happenings and all the actively managing elements for your outlets on a daily or fortnightly basis, it might be wise to portray your social media posts directly over the online store. Simply linking out over the displaying inactive social media channels will help to cripple all your online efforts. If you have chosen to follow this route, it is vital to maintain your presence. So, whatever you do for the customers in the form of sales and offer, make sure you make use of the social media, but at the same time do keep in mind to employ logical methods of incorporating social media into your online store.


Use Analytics

Pay attention to the way people are using social media butting with the help of Google Analytics and the way people are clicking over the outbound social media links. The simple way to explore this is by installing the event tracking in Google Analytics tool. If you find people exploring your social media outlets while landing over your page, perhaps all your social media buttons are not seen over a convenient location. It is always better to have the real numbers to back up your options.