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Important Multivendor Features for Ecommerce Business

multi_vendorWhen everyone else is using the Internet for business growth, you won’t like to march to a different tune. However, to create a website or versatile eCommerce platform is not possible for some reason, there are still ways to leverage the Internet for business enhancement.

The idea of a multivendor portal is quite popular nowadays. It opens new avenues to reach a large audience without creating the website. It is a kind of resource sharing where you need to pay for the services availed. The costs are considerably low than the costs required for web development. Many small-scale and medium-sized businesses use the idea to sell the products and services in the virtual world.

Before you sign the MOU, check for these important features that make a multivendor platform great.

Always choose a Secured Platform.

You can’t compromise on the web security to save a few bucks. Make sure that the multi-vendor platform hired by you is reliable and well-protected. Never use an open-source program. The website should use high levels of web security. The website should be encrypted to avoid hacking or data theft. There should be multilayer protection on the website.

Good control over the business

Hire a multivendor platform that has better business controls. You should hire a partner with excellent control over inventory management and operational aspects such as change of product, discounts, shipping costs, cash on delivery, etc.

A fully automated platform

When you offer an Ecommerce platform to the viewers, it should offer fully-automated, versatile and dynamic web experience. Real-time calculation of shipping costs or tax is an example. Sorting and filtering should be smooth and fast. Automatic consolidation of the sales data and update of the dashboard are other important features.

SEO friendly CMS for better visibility

When you have the business online, it is critically important that it reaches maximum viewers. Use of Search Engine Optimization is undoubtedly the basic building block of it. By using efficient SEO friendly CMS, you can achieve excellent visibility over Google and other search engines. The multivendor platform hired by you should make effective use of optimized tags and Meta description. Also, the content should be well designed, and the best sitemap is used.

Comprehensive reports and MIS

To read the pulse of the business accurately, you need comprehensive reports and MIS. Reports give the at-a-glance view of the business, and you know the strength of the business and areas of improvement. Reporting system gives sales information and analysis, which is useful in deriving business strategies and forecasting.

When you hire a multivendor platform with these essential properties, it is possible to take the business to new heights by taking advantage of online business at reasonable costs. Advanced features such as rating and review mechanism and owner and seller commission management make it a complete eCommerce platform. It is possible to reach a large number of viewers at a reasonable cost. It adds value to the business and gives an upward thrust to the profitability graph.

Wrapping up

If you a multi-vendor platform will have all these features, it can become your simple eCommerce solution for retailers keen to find the right available store to sell their products. Several eCommerce website development companies also vouch for the same.