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Comparison of Google vs. Facebook paid advertisements for eCommerce

google vs facebook adsgoogle vs facebook adsYou may have run the PPC campaigns with AdWords traditionally, and you are not sure as to how the Facebook Ads compare. Or maybe you coupaid-advertising-how-google-ads-compare-to-facebook-adsld have managed the Facebook Ads in the past, but failed to get good results, and you don’t even understand the way Facebook advertising has changed over the years. Regardless of the results, you need to understand the key differences found in between Google & Facebook ads, so that you can easily leverage each of these platforms for finding good results for your online business. Let’s compare.

The Biggest Difference – Search Intent Versus Awareness

One of the key differences between Google Ads and the Facebook Ads is the search intent. The Google searchers are often seen specifically looking for something whereas the Facebook users are shown ads based as per their personal choices. The Google has the pull marketing strategy, while Facebook is simply about the brand awareness. When you talk about the Google, the searchers are on a mission. They are simply looking for anything particular and are keen to find what they are looking for. It is always good in the interest of the online advertisers to showcase an ad, which matches the search intent.

Facebook Ads Vs. Google Ads

Facebook ads are simply different, which enables you to market to people may not be searching for your products. With different funny videos and kids pictures, people can have a look at your ad and also catches up your product ad while passing through any news stream. In other words, this can help in generating interest or awareness about your products. So, if people do not know about your presence they will not be keen to know what products you really sell or the brand you belong. Now talking about the Google ads, here people are seen searching for specific things on the search engine and end up getting things of their interest. This way the ecommerce companies can certainly make search intent the same and end up boosting up the click via conversion rates of your Google ads.

Facebook Ads Vs. Google Ads – The Strengths

Let’s start with Facebook Ads, which has the strength of powerful targeting.
The biggest strength of Facebook ads is the option of powerful targeting option. The site simply enables us to target the user based on a wide range of factors like age, demography, sex, interest and other fields. If you know your target audience the best then Facebook ads is the right option to promote your brands or products. However, you can target the same light or loose, which will go as per your requirements and suitability of your profile. Facebook ads are really powerful and it renders loads of control over the things you see in the ads.
For Google ads, the strength is seen in the form of search intent. With the Google Ads, one can bid over terms, which help you target people at specific places in the buying process. You can certainly advertise for any content regarding analytics for the people who all are search for things like web analytic tips or you can market your product in order to people who are seen searching for the best web analytics platform. The first search simply indicates the users to get into research mode, while the other option records the higher buying intent. With the search ads, you can certainly advertise as per the target audience who are really keen in selling and getting things right as per the match once they start the buying process.

Cost Per Click – What’s the difference?

The other difference between the two is the CPC (cost per click) over each platform. For Google Ads, you need to spend 100 dollars per click but for Facebook you need to pay 0.25 dollars that depends upon the CTR and the targeting factors for the ad. The experts feel that the Cost Per Click trends are simply lower over the Facebook as compared to the Google Ads. At the end, you are supposed to gauge both the channels in order to ensure that you are getting one of the best results in the form of money you invest in the ads. Facebook is among the best platform for many online business sites owing to low cost per click, however, you can often want to measure the cost per acquisition for knowing that you are finding in return.